
查詢條件:作者=Harrison, Everett Falconer,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Analytical concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan O BS425/Y7 by Robert Young Funk & Wagnalls, 59 
2Book The Wycliffe Bible commentary BS491.2/P4 edited by Charles F. Pfeiffer, Old Testament ; Everett F. Harrison, New Testament Moody Press, 79 
3Book Introduction to the New Testament BS2330.2/H33 Harrison, Everett Falconer Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 79 
4Book Acts : the expanding church / BS2625.3/H37 by Everett F. Harrison Moody Press, 1975 

 頁次: 1/1

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