
查詢條件:作者=Motyer, J. A.,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The prophecy of Isaiah : : an introduction & commentary / BS1515.3/M242 J. Alec Motyer InterVarsity Press,  
2Book The day of the lion : : the message of Amos / BS1585.3 / J. A. Motyer InterVarsity Press,  
3Book The day of the lion : the message of Amos BS1585.3 /M922 Motyer, J. A. Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press 68 
4Book The message of Amos : : the day of the lion / BS1585.3.M67 / J. A. Motyer InterVarsity Press, 63 
5Book New Bible commentary BS2825.3/G8 editors, D. Guthrie, J.A. Motyer ; consulting editors, A.M. Stibbs, D.J. Wiseman Guideposts, 59 
6Book The richness of Christ : studies in the letter to the Phillippians BS2705.3/M58  Inter-Varsity Fellowship 79 
7Book Look to the rock : an Old Testament background to our understanding of Christ BS1192.5/M68  Inter-Varsity Press 1990 
8Book The message of James : the tests of faith / BS2785/M67 J.A. Motyer Inter-Varsity Press , 1985 

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