
查詢條件:作者=Wigram, George V.,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The new analytical Greek lexicon PA881/P54 Wesley J. Perschbacher, editor Hendrickson, 79 
2Book The Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament : : being an attempt at a verbal connexion between the Greek a BS2302/W66 by George V. Wigram Samuel Bagster, 79 
3Book The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee concordance of the Old Testament: being an attempt at a verbal connection between BS1121/E53 by George V. Wigram Zondervan Pub. House  
4Book Wigram Englishman's hebrew and chaldee concordance of the old testament BS1125/W5 Wigram, George V. Baker Book House Company 61 
5Book The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee concordance of the Old Testament : being an attempt at a verbal connection between BS1125/W5 5th ed, Wigram, George V  79 

 頁次: 1/1

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