
查詢條件:書名=Meaning /,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Meaning and necessity : a study in semantics and modal logic B840/C3 Rudolf Carnap University of Chicago Press 79 
2Book The Meaning of the millennium : : four views BT891/M4 with contributions by George Eldon Ladd ... [et al.] ; edited by Robert G. Clouse InterVarsity Press, 66 
3Book Why does it have to hurt? : The meaning of Christian suffering BT732.7/D167 Dan G.McCartney著 P&R publishing 1998 
4Book The meaning and mode of baptism BV811.2/A324 Jay E. Adams Presbyterian and Reformed, 65 
5Book Meaning and understanding : : the philosophical framework for Biblical interpretation / BS476/ Royce Gordon Gruenler Zondervan,  
6Book 基督教與其他宗教 BR127/N37 魏勒. 奧斯特比(Willard G. Oxtoby)作 鄭慧姃譯 人光出版 92 
7Book The meaning of God BT102/K54 [by] Robert H. King Fortress Press 62 
8Book Meaning / B105/M4 Michael Polanyi and Harry Prosch University of Chicago Press, 64 
9Ser Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society : The Meaning of κεφαλ? ("Head"): An Evaluation of New Evidence, R 【電子書】JNL J014/W369 Wayne Grudem Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 90 
10Ser Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society : The Meaning of the Tenses in New Testament Greek: Where Are We? 【電子書】JNL J014/R639 Robert E. Picirilli Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 94 

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