The faith once delivered : essays in honor of Dr. Wayne R. Spear /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:27203
書  名The faith once delivered essays in honor of Dr. Wayne R. Spear /
作  者edited by Anthony T. Selvaggio ; foreword by W. Robert Godfrey
出 版 項Phillipsburg, N.J. :; P & R Pub.,; c2007
稽 核 項xxi, 309 p. ;; 23 cm
標  題Theology, Doctrinal
集  叢The Westminster Assembly and the Reformed Faith
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and indexes
內 容 註The vitality of reformed systematic theology / Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. -- A tract for the times : James Buchanan's the doctrine of justification in historical and theological context / Carl R. Trueman -- Transforming power and comfort : the Puritans on adoption / Joel R. Beeke -- The benefits of Christ : double justification in Protestant theology before the Westminster Assembly / R. Scott Clark -- From popery to principle : covenanters and the kingship of Christ / David McKay -- Good an d necessary consequence in the Westminster confession / C.J. Williams -- The Lord's day and the Westminster confession / Rowland S. Ward -- Unity or disunity : covenant theology from Calvin to Westminster / Anthony T. Selvaggio -- The doctrine of the atonement from the Westminster Assembly to the twentieth century / Richard C. Gamble -- The use and abuse of Christian liberty / D.G. Hart
ISBN9781596380202 (pbk.)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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