Goode's world atlas /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:25985
書  名Goode's world atlas /
作  者editor, Edward B. Espenshade, Jr. ; senior consultant, Joel L. Morrison
出 版 項Chicago :; Rand McNally & Co.,; 1992, c1990
稽 核 項1 atlas ([4], xvi, 367 p.) :; col. ill., col. maps ;; 29 cm
標  題Atlases
附 註 項Formerly Goode's school atlas"--T.p. verso
附 註 項At head of title: Rand McNally
附 註 項Fifth printing [of 18th ed.]"--T.p. verso
附 註 項Includes commemorative addition (4 p.)
附 註 項Copy exhibited at 27th IGC International Map and Book Exhibit, 1992.
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references, indexes, and glossary of foreign geographical terms
ISBN0528831283 :
版  次18th ed., rev. 1992, Columbus anniversary ed
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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