
查詢條件:書名=The Letter to the Hebrews :,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 希伯來書注釋 BS2775/B167 巴克萊(Barclay, William)著/文國偉譯 文國偉譯 基督教文藝出版社印行 1992 
2Book The Letter to the Hebrews : : an introduction and commentary / BS2775.3/G984 by Donald Guthrie Inter-Varsity Press ; 72 
3Book The letter to the Hebrews BS491.2/O25 O'Brien, Peter Thomas. W.B. Eerdmans 79 
4Book The Letter to the Hebrews : translated with an introd. and interpretation BS2773/B37 William Barclay Philadelphia : Westminster Press 79 
5Book The letter to the Hebrews BS491.2/G755 Sigurd Grindheim William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2023 

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