
查詢條件:書名=The poor:,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The poor: : A culture of poverty or a poverty of culture? HC110.P6/P58 Foreword by Thomas W. Georges, Jr. Introd. by J. Alan Winter. Essays and comments by Nathan Glazer Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 79 
2Book The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin : Poor Richard's almanac and other papers PS745/ an introduction by Henry Ketcham. manufactured in the united states of america at the coneo press, INC.  

 頁次: 1/1

目錄查詢 分類查詢 個人資料 圖書薦購 新書查詢 閉館日 排行榜 改革宗神學院 改革宗出版社 論文 登出

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