Redeeming science : : a God-centered approach /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:13523
書  名Redeeming science :a God-centered approach /
作  者Vern S. Poythress
出 版 項Wheaton, Ill. :; Crossway Books,; c2006
稽 核 項381 p. :; ill. ;; 23 cm
標  題Religion and science
標  題Bible and science
集  叢BL240.3.P69
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and indexes
內 容 註Why scientists must believe in God divine attributes of scientific law -- The role of the Bible -- Knowledge from whose authority? -- Creation -- Issues with Genesis 1 and science -- The teaching in Genesis 1 -- Evaluating modern science on the age of the earth -- Evaluating theories on the age of the earth -- The 24-hour-days and mature creation views -- The analogical day theory and the framework view -- The role of mankind in science -- The role of Christ as redeemer in science -- Th e Word of God in science -- Truth in science and in life -- Debates about what is real : the character of scientific knowledge -- Ordinary experience of the world in relation to scientific theory -- The relation of creation to re-creation -- The mystery of life -- Origin of new kinds of life : intelligent design -- God and physical displays -- A Christian approach to physics and chemistry -- A Christian approach to mathematics -- Conclusion: Serving God
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