
查詢條件:集叢=Journal for the study of the Old Testament.,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The Word of God in transition : : from prophet to exegete in the Second Temple period / BS1345.2 / William M. Schniedewind Sheffield Academic Press,  
2Book King and cultus in Chronicles : : worship and the reinterpretation of history / BS1345.6/ William Riley JSOT Press,  
3Book Yahweh as refuge and the editing of the Hebrew psalter / BS1430.2/ Jerome F.D. Creach Sheffield Academic Press,  
4Book Qohelet and his contradictions / BS1475.3/K48 Michael V. Fox Almond,  
5Book Determinism in the book of Ecclesiastes / BS1475.52/R83 Dominic Rudman Sheffield Academic Press, 90 

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