Early Christian worship.

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:10255
書  名Early Christian worship.
作  者Translated by A. Stewart Todd and James B. Torrance
出 版 項London,; SCM Press; [1953]
稽 核 項124 p.; 22 cm
標  題Worship
標  題Bible.
標  題Sabbath
集  叢Studies in Biblical theology,
集  叢BV6.C82
附 註 項A translation of the second edition of Urchristentum and Gottesdienst ... and contains also an extra chapter on ’Jesus and the day of rest’ from the French translation of part 2, which appeared under the title Les sacrements dans l’e?vangile Johannique."
書 目 註Bibliographical footnotes

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