
查詢條件:集叢=Studies on the Westminster Assembly,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book God's ambassadors : the Westminster Assembly and the reformation of the English pulpit BX9053/V36 Chad Van Dixhoorn著 Reformation Heritage Books 79 
2Book Christ and the law : antinomianism at the Westminster Assembly / BR757/G36 Whitney G. Gamble Reformation Heritage Books 107 
3Book Covenanted uniformity in religion : the influence of the Scottish commissioners on the ecclesiology of the Westminster BX9053/S64 Wayne R. Spear Reformation Heritage Books 1990 
4Book Divine rule maintained : Anthony Burgess, covenant theology, and the place of the law in reformed scholasticism BX9422.3/C38 Stephen J. Casselli Reformation Heritage Books 1990 
5Book Anthony Tuckney (1599-1670) : theologian of the Westminster Assembly / BX9339.T83/C546 Youngchun Cho Reformation Heritage Books 2017 

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