The gospel in the marketplace of ideas : : Paul's Mars Hill experience for our pluralistic world /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:29201
書  名The gospel in the marketplace of ideas :Paul's Mars Hill experience for our pluralistic world /
作  者Paul Copan and Kenneth D. Litwak ; cover design, David Fassett ; interior design, Beth Hagenberg
出 版 項 IVP Academic; 2014
稽 核 項197 p; illustrations; 23 cm
標  題Paul,
標  題Bible.
標  題Christianity and other religions
標  題Evangelistic work
標  題Athens (Greece)
標  題Electronic books
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references
館 藏 註Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest, 2015. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest affiliated libraries
ISBN9780830884094 (e-book)
電子資源URLClick to View 
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