
查詢條件:標題=Congregational churches,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 真聖徒 BV3797./F337 查理斯. 芬尼(Charles G. Finney)著/何明珠譯 橄欖基金會出版部譯 基督教橄欖文化事業基金會 85 
2Book The works of Jonathan Edwards BX7117/E3 with a memoir by Sereno E. Dwight ; rev. and corr. by Edward Hickman Banner of Truth Trust, 63 
3Book The salvation of souls : : nine previously unpublished sermons on the call of ministry and the gospel by Jonathan Edwa BV662/E39 edited by Richard A. Bailey & Gregory A. Wills Crossway Books, 91 
4Book Spiritual depression: : its causes and cure BX7233.L57 /S6 [by] D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Eerdmans 79 
5Book Jonathan Edwards : a life BX7260.E3/M412 George M. Marsden Yale University Press, 92 
6Book Jonathan Edwards : a new biography BX7260.E3/M87 Iain H. Murray Banner of Truth Trust, 1990 
7Book Spiritual depression : its causes and cure / BX7233/L793 D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Eerdmans, 71 
8Book Jonathan Edwards : : a life / BX7260.E3/G348 George M. Marsden Yale University Press, 2004 
9Book A just and righteous God : 18 sermons / BT145/E39 by Jonathan Edwards ; compiled and edited by Don Kistler Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 95 
10Book Biblical theology : the history or theology from Adam to christ or the nature, origin, development, and study of theol BT70/O936 an English interpretation from the Latin text of William Goold by Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D. Soli Deo Gloria Publications 83 

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