

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The authority of the Bible and the rise of the modern world / BS500/R4713 Henning Graf Reventlow SCM Press, 73 
2Book The journal of George Fox BX7795.F7/F33 edited by Rufus M. Jones ; with an essay by Henry J. Cadbury ; new glossary-index by Howard Alexan Friends United Press, 1983 
3Book A Christmas carol M2143/S972 Charles Dickens ; simplified by D.K. Swan and Michael West ; illustrated by Giles Waring Longman, 76 
4Book Christ and the law : antinomianism at the Westminster Assembly / BR757/G36 Whitney G. Gamble Reformation Heritage Books 107 
5Book Catholic and Reformed : the Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant thought, 1600-1640 / BR756/M55 Anthony Milton Cambridge University Press, 2002 
6Book The Elizabethan Puritan movement DA356/C58 Patrick Collinson Methuen, 1982 
7Book Puritanism : Transatlantic perspectives on a seventeenth-century Angle-American faith / BX9322/P87 Francis J. Bremer, editor Massachusetts Historical Society : 1993 
8Book Practical predestinarians in England, c. 1590-1640 BT810.3/D621 Leif Dixon, University of Oxford, UK Ashgate 2014 
9Book Fires of faith : Catholic England under Mary Tudor / BX1492/D83 Eamon Duffy Yale University Press , 2009 
10Book A spectacle unto God : the life and death of Christopher Love (1618-1651) / BX9225/K61 by Don Kistler Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 1994 

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