

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 舊約倫理學探討 BS1199.E8/K13 華德. 凱瑟(Walter C. Kaiser)著/譚健明譯 譚健明譯 中華福音神學院 88 
2Book 泰德的神秘約會 : 揭開道德標準的謎底 BJ1031/Z63 保羅. 張伯倫(Paul Chamberlain)著/林淑芬譯 林淑芬譯 中國主日學協會 88 
3Book Principles of conduct : : aspects of Biblical ethics BS2545.E8/M8 John Murray ; [foreword by J.I. Packer] W. B. Erdmans, 1990 
4Book Enquiries concerning human understanding and concerning the principles of morals / B1455/A5 by David Hume ; reprinted from the posthumous edition of 1777 and edited with introd., comparative Clarendon Press, 64 
5Book Foundations of the metaphysics of morals : : and, What is enlightenment? B2766.E6/B4 Immanuel Kant ; translated, with an introduction, by Lewis White Beck Bobbs-Merrill, 48 
6Book Hume's moral theory B1499.E8/H855 J.L. Mackie Routledge & K. Paul, 69 
7Book 認識舊約倫理學 BS1199.E8/L189 賴特(Wright, Christopher J. H.)著/ 王仁芬譯 王仁芬譯 校園書房 98 
8Book Story as Torah : : reading Old Testament narrative ethically / BS1199.E8/ Gordon J. Wenham Baker Academic,  
9Book Beyond good and evil : : prelude to a philosophy of the future / B3313/ by Friedrich Nietzsche ; translated, with commentary, by Walter Kaufmann Vintage Books,  
10Book On the genealogy of morality : : a polemic / B3313/ Friedrich Nietzsche ; translation, with notes, by Maudemarie Clark and Alan J. Swensen ; introduct Hackett Pub. Co.,  

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