The Reformation; basic interpretations

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:24704
書  名The Reformation; basic interpretations
作  者Edited and with an introd. by Lewis W. Spitz
出 版 項Lexington, Mass.,; Heath; [1972]
稽 核 項xxi, 221 p.; 21 cm
標  題Reformation
標  題Reformation
標  題Germany
集  叢Problems in European civilization
內 容 註Bainton, R. H. Interpretations of the Reformation.--Dilthey, W. The interpretation and analysis of man in the 15th and 16th centuries.--Troeltsch, E. Renaissance and Reformation.--Spitz, L. W. The third generation of German Renaissance humanists.--Walker, P. C. G. Capitalism and the Reformation.--Holborn, H. The social basis of the German Reformation.--Grimm, H. J. Social forces in the German Reformation.--Lea, H. C. The eve of the Reformation.--Lortz, J. Why did the Reformation happen? --Ritter, G. Why the Reformation occured in Germany.--Barth, K. Reformation as decision.--Luther, M. Luther's road to the Reformation.--Erikson, E. H. Young man Luther.--Bainton, R. H. Luther's struggle for faith.--Bibliography (p. 213-221)
版  次2d ed
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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