
查詢條件:標題=Middle East,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 舊約背景 BS1197/H136 哈爾遜(R. K. Harrison)著/葉敬德,鄭康寧,盧錦榮譯 葉敬德,鄭康寧,盧錦榮譯 種籽 83 
2Book Armageddon : : oil and the Middle East crisis ; what the Bible says about the future of the Middle East and the end of BS647.2/W27 John F. Walvoord and John E. Walvoord Zondervan Pub. House, 68 
3Book Atlas of the Biblical Jerusalem O BS630/B151 Dan Bahat Carta Jerusalem 79 
4Book Abraham and David : : places they knew / O DS108.9/B77 by F.F. Bruce T. Nelson Publishers, 79 
5Book Peoples of the Old Testament world / DS62.23/P46 edited by Alfred J. Hoerth, Gerald L. Mattingly & Edwin M. Yamauchi ; foreword by Alan R. Millard Baker Books,  
6Book The ancient Near East : : a history / DS62.2/H3 William W. Hallo, William Kelly Simpson Harcourt Brace College Publishers,  
7Book The face of the Ancient Orient : : Near Eastern civilization in pre-classical times / DS57 / Sabatino Moscati Dover Publications,  
8Book The gods of the nations : : studies in ancient Near Eastern national theology / BL1640/ Daniel I. Block ; foreword by Alan R. Millard Baker Academic ;  
9Book Readings from the ancient Near East : : primary sources for Old Testament study / BL1060/ edited by Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer Baker Academic,  
10Book God at Sinai : : covenant and theophany in the Bible and ancient Near East / BS1199/ Jeffrey J. Niehaus Zondervan,  

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