The One, the Three, and the many : : God, creation, and the culture of modernity /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:13879
書  名The One, the Three, and the many :God, creation, and the culture of modernity /
作  者Colin E. Gunton
出 版 項Cambridge ;; Cambridge University Press,; 1993
稽 核 項xiv, 248 p. ;; 22 cm
標  題Theology
標  題Christianity and culture
標  題Trinity
標  題Modernism (Christian theology)
集  叢BT28.G86
附 註 項The Bampton lectures, 1992."
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (p. 232-240) and index
內 容 註Pt. 1. The displacement of God. From Heraclitus to Havel : the problem of the one and the many in modern life and thought. The idea of modernity ; Modernity as disengagement ; The one and the many ; The concept of God ; Modernity as the displacement of God ; The pathos of the modern condition ; Conclusion -- The disappearing other : the problem of the particular in modern life and thought. The loss of the particular in modern life and thought ; Plato ; The West's double mind ; Partic ularity in practice 1 : freedom ; Particularity in practice 2 : the aesthetic ; A pattern of displacement -- A plea for the present : the problem of relatedness in modern life and thought. Modernity's this-worldliness ; Christianity's false eternity ; Modernity's false temporality ; The displacement of eschatology ; Gnosticism renewed -- The rootless will : the problem of meaning and truth in modern life and thought. Dissenting voices ; Protagoras today ; The fragmentation of culture ; The origins of the rootless will ; The shape of modernity --
內 容 註Pt. 2. Rethinking createdness. The universal and the particular : towards a theology of meaning and truth. Foundationalism and rationality ; The one as transcendental ; The open transcendental ; Trinitarian transcendentals -- 'Through whom and in whom...' : towards a theology of relatedness. Recapitulation ; Economy ; Perichoresis ; An analogical exploration ; The heart of the problem ; Christological conclusion -- The Lord who is the Spirit : towards a theology of the particular. T he concept of spirit ; The problem of substantiality ; Of particulars ; The lord and giver of being -- The triune Lord : towards a theology of the one and the many. Recapitulation ; Community ; Sociality ; Sociality in context ; Conclusion
ISBN0521421845 (pbk.)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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