

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 清教徒的腳蹤 BX9322/Z63 鍾馬田(Lloyd-Jones, D. M.)著 梁素雅,王國顯譯 以琳 82 
2Book 豐盛的恩典 : 本仁約翰的屬靈經歷 PR3329/B473 本仁約翰(John Bunyan)著/趙中輝譯 趙中輝譯 基督教改革宗 1985 
3Book The marrow of theology BX9421 /Am514 William Ames ; translated from the third Latin edition, 1629, and edited by John D. Eusden Baker Books, 79 
4Book 豐盛的恩典 PR3329/B473 本仁約翰(John Bunyan)著/趙中輝譯 趙中輝譯 基督教改革宗 74 
5Book The Golden treasury of Puritan quotations / PN6084/C737 compiled byI. D. E. Thomas Banner of Truth Trust, 66 
6Book 豐盛的恩典 : 本仁約翰的屬靈經歷 PR3329/ 本仁約翰(John Bunyan)著/趙中輝譯 趙中輝譯 基督教改革宗 1985 
7Book The Mystery of The Gospel Vindicated and Socinianism Examined : The works of John Owen 12 BX9315/Ow97 Edited by William H. Goold Banner of Truth Trust 54 
8Book The Doctrine of The Saints' Perseverance Explained and Confirmed : The works of John Owen 11 BX9315/Ow97 Edited by William H. Goold Banner of Truth Trust 54 
9Book The genius of Puritanism / BX9322/L48 [by] Peter Lewis Carey Publications,  
10Book The works of Stephen Charnock : : volume 3, The New Birth BX9315/ Charnock, Stephen Banner of Truth Trust 86 

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