Renaissance and Reformation : the intellectual genesis /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:27351
書  名Renaissance and Reformation the intellectual genesis /
作  者Anthony Levi
出 版 項New Haven :; Yale University Press,; c2002
稽 核 項xi, 483 p. ;; 24 cm
標  題Renaissance
標  題Reformation
標  題Religion and culture
標  題Europe
標  題Europe
標  題Europe
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (p. 370-439) and index
內 容 註The intellectual parameters of Western Christendom -- The crisis of scholasticism -- Empire, papacy, Petrarch, and the Italian peninsula to 1400 -- The quattrocento to the death of Valla (1457) -- The Florentine Academy -- The imitation of Christ -- Fifteenth-century France -- Paris, England, and Italy : Erasmus to 1511 -- Lef癡vre, Reuchlin, and Alcal獺 -- The new century to 1516 : Utopia and the Novum Instrumentum -- Germany and Luther -- Protestantism : the defeat of Erasmus -- Franc e, 1520-1535 -- Secular supremacy, England, and the Swiss Confederation, 1520-1535
ISBN9780300103465 (hardback : alk. paper)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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