編號 | 書名 | 索書號 | 作者 | 出版者 | 年代 |
1 | 神‧啟示‧權威 | BR1640.A25/H241 | 韓客爾(Henry, Carl Ferdinand Howard)著 康來昌譯 | 中華福音神學院出版社 | 71 |
2 | 神‧啟示‧權威 | BR1640.A25/H241 | 韓客爾(Henry, Carl Ferdinand Howard)著 康來昌譯 | 中華福音神學院出版社 | 72 |
3 | The inspiration and authority of the Bible | BS2312/N4 | edited by Samuel G. Craig ; with an introd. by Cornelius Van Til | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., | 1971 |
4 | The philosophy of revelation | BT127.B3/B3 | by Herman Bavinck | Eerdmans, | 79 |
5 | The inspiration and authority of the Bible | BT127/W32 | edited by Samuel G. Craig ; with an introd. by Cornelius Van Til | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., | 79 |
6 | The revelation of God / | BT127.3/ | Peter Jensen | InterVarsity Press, | 91 |
7 | The inspiration and authority of the Bible / | BT127/ | edited bySamuel G. Craig ; with an introd. by Cornelius Van Til | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., | 37 |
8 | Revelation and the Bible; : contemporary evangelicalthought | BS413 / | [by] G. C. Berkouwer [and others] | Baker Book House | 47 |
9 | The philosophy of revelation / | BT127/ | by Herman Bavinck | Baker, | 68 |
10 | God at Sinai : : covenant and theophany in the Bible and ancient Near East / | BS1199/ | Jeffrey J. Niehaus | Zondervan, | |