
查詢條件:標題=Theology, Practical.,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 塑造與更新 BV3/H576 瑪利亞. 何瑞絲原著/林明珠譯 林明珠譯 人光出版 85 
2Book 愛•接納•饒恕 BV3/K96 傑瑞•庫克(Cook, Jerry) ,史坦利•伯文(Baldwin, Stanley C.) 著/偉正譯 @@偉正譯 證道出版社印行 78 
3Book 深思熟慮的教會 BV3/D47 狄馬可(Mark Dever), 亞保羅(PaulAlexander); 蔣春暉譯 美國麥種傳道會 100 
4Book 日常神學 : 閱讀文化文本,詮釋趨勢 BR115.C8/E94 范浩沙(Kevin J. Vanhoozer),安德森(Charles A. Anderson),斯利斯曼(Michael J. Sleasman)等合編 陳群 天道 100 
5Book Practical theology and the ministry of the church, 1952-1984 : essays in honor of Edmund P. Clowney / BV3/P693 edited by Harvie M. Conn Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 79 
6Book The deliberate church : building your ministry on the gospel / BV3/D47 Mark Dever and Paul Alexander Crossway Books, 94 
7Book Hidden in the gospel : truths you forget to tell yourself every day / BV4501.3/F37 William P. Farley P&R Publishing 103 
8Book Keeping the heart, or, The great work of a Christian, opened and pressed from Proverbs 4:23 / BV4501.2/F543 by John Flavel ; introduction, outline, and study guide by Maureen Bradley ; edited by Don Kistler Soli Deo Gloria, 1998 
9Book The problem of good : when the world seems fine without God / BS680/P76 edited by D. Marion Clark P&R Publishing 2014 
10Book Leadership handbooks of practical theology BV3/L33 general editor, James D. Berkley Christianity Today : 1992 

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