
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 H*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The conflict with Rome. BX1765230.2/B513 Translated [by H. De Jongste] under the supervision of David H. Freeman Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 79 
2Book Microsoft Office system : : inside out / 2003 etition H5548.4/M5253 Michael J. Young, Michael Halvorson Microsoft Press, 93 
3Book The way of the shepherd H57.7/L446 Kevin Leman, William Pentak Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, 79 
4Book Philosophy of social science H61/R75 [by] Richard S. Rudner N.J., Prentice-Hall 79 
5Book Research methods in the social sciences H61/C987 Custom Edition for Thomas Edison state college Pearson Custom Publishing 79 
6Book 訪談研究法 H61.28/S45 Irving Seidman著,李政賢譯 五南圖書 98 
7Book 質性研究理論與應用 H62 /P196 潘淑滿著 心理出版社 95 
8Book 法蘭克福學派史 H62/J37 馬丁•杰(Martin Jay)著,單世聯譯 廣東人民出版社 85 
9Book 質性研究 : 理論與實務 H62/L321 林淑馨著 巨流圖書 99 
10Book Social Research H62/B2  Cengage Learning 79 

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