
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 B*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
91Book Principles of human knowledge ; and, Three dialoguesbetween Hylas and Philonous / B1330/B512 George Berkeley ; edited byRoger Woolhouse Penguin Books, 77 
92Book 柏克萊 B1348/W37 華諾克(Warnock, G. J.)著/吳錫民譯 長橋出版社印行 68 
93Book The gospel according to Job B1415.54/M27 Mike Mason Crossway Books, 91 
94Book Enquiries concerning human understanding and concerning the principles of morals / B1455/A5 by David Hume ; reprinted from the posthumous edition of 1777 and edited with introd., comparative Clarendon Press, 64 
95Book An enquiry concerning the principles of morals / B1465/H921 David Hume ; edited by Tom L. Beauchamp Oxford University Press, 87 
96Book An enquiry concerning human understanding : : A letter from a gentleman to his friend in Edinburgh B1480/H921 David Hume ; edited by Eric Steinberg Open Court Pub., 79 
97Book An enquiry concerning human understanding ; [with] A letter from a gentleman to his friend in Edinburgh ; [and] An abs B1480/ David Hume ; edited, with introduction, by Eric Steinberg Hackett Pub. Co.,  
98Book An enquiry concerning human understanding B1481/H922 David Hume edited by Tom L. Beauchamp Oxford University Press 88 
99Book An inquiry concerning human understanding : with supplement An abstract of a treatise of human nature B1485 /H921 by David Hume The Bobbs-Merrill Company 79 
100Book A treatise of human nature / B1485/H921 David Hume ; edited by David Fate Norton, Mary J. Norton ; editor's introduction by David Fate Nor Oxford University Press, 89 

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