
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BT*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
91Book 知識份子缺乏的時代 BT102/.L5 李健安 福音文化中心 99 
92Book The Christian doctrine of God : : one being three persons / BT102.T67 / Thomas F. Torrance T&T Clark, 85 
93Book The miracle of theism : : arguments for and against the existence of God Bt1021/M244 J.L. Mackie Clarendon Press ; 71 
94Book 為人類尋根 : 物種起源再思 BT103/S556 L.史特博(Lee Strobel)著/陳恩明譯 陳恩明譯 海天書樓 95 
95Book The probability of God / BT103/M774 Hugh Montefiore SCM Press Ltd, 74 
96Book God with us : : divine condescension and the attributes of God BT103/K73 K. Scott Oliphint.著 Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway, 101 
97Book Dignity and destiny : humanity in the image of God / BT103/K464 John F. Kilner Grand Rapids, Michigan : Eerdmans Pub. Company 104 
98Book The doctrine of God BT103/F37 John M. Frame P&R Pub., 91 
99Book The God we worship : adoring the one who pursues, redeems, and changes his people / BT103/G642 edited by Jonathan L. Master P&R Publishing 105 
100Book 我們敬畏的上帝 BT103/M23 約翰•麥克阿瑟(John Macarthur)著, 恩澤亞洲 105 

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