
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 H*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
91Book A systems approach to small group interaction / HD66 / Stewart L. Tubbs McGraw-Hill,  
92Book 團隊精神 HD66/K88 科麥克(David Cormack)著/陸秀雲譯 陸秀雲譯 福音證主 80 
93Book 領導團隊17法則 HD66/M375 約翰.麥斯威爾(John C. Maxwell) 嬰寧譯 基石出版社出版 94 
94Book A stone made smooth / HD66/W872 Wong Ming-dao Mayflower Christian Books, 73 
95Book The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork : : embrace them and empower your team / HD66 .M375/M465 John C. Maxwell T. Nelson,  
96Book 創意用時間 HD69.T54/T7 博恩•崔西(Brain Tracy)著,傅湘雯譯 麥田出版 87 
97Book Leadership and values : the organization of large-scale Taiwanese enterprises HD70.T3/S56 by Robert H. Silin 敦煌 79 
98Book Bread for the world HD9000.5/S594 by Arthur Simon Paulist Press 73 
99Book Lifeboat ethics : the moral dilemmas of world hunger / HD9000.5/L53 edited by George R. Lucas, Jr. and Thomas W. Ogletree Harper & Row, 65 
100Book Bill Gates : to my mother,who helped me buy my first computer HD9696/G337 Jeanne M.Lesinski Twenty-first Century Book 96 

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