
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS1901*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
131Book 新約研究透視 BS2330.2/H874 黃錫木著 基道 91 
132Book New Testament survey / BS2330.2/T45 by Merrill C. Tenney ; revised by Walter M. Dunnett W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ; 74 
133Book Interpreting the New Testament : : an introduction to the principles and methods of N.T. exegesis BS2330.2/C6613 Hans Conzelmann and Andreas Lindemann ; translated by Siegfried S. Schatzmann from the 8th rev. Ge Hendrickson Publishers, 77 
134Book An introduction to the New Testament BS2330.2/C34 D.A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo, and Leon Morris Zondervan, 1992 
135Book New Testament introduction BS2330.2/G87 Donald Guthrie Inter-Varsity Press, 79 
136Book Encountering the New Testament : : a historical and theological survey BS2330.2/E48 Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough Baker Books, 87 
137Book The birth of the New Testament BS2330.2 /M6 [by] C. F. D. Moule Adam & Charles Black, 79 
138Book 基督徒聖經概論( 新約) BS2330.2/L784 劉煥俊著 榮耀 75 
139Book 基督徒聖經概論( 新約) BS2330.2/L784 劉煥俊著 榮耀 75 
140Book Interpreting the New Testament. BS2330.2/P7 by James L. Price Rinehart and Winston 79 

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