
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BL*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
141Book Does God play dice? : a look at the story of the universe / BL240.2/H69 John Houghton Inter-Varsity Press, 77 
142Book Circles of God : : theology and science from the Greeks to Copernicus / BL240.2/N42 Harold P. Nebelsick Scottish Academic Press, 74 
143Book Religion in an age of science / BL240.2/B368 Ian G. Barbour Harper & Row, 79 
144Book Faith and the physical world : a comprehensive view BL240.2/D9  W. B. Eerdmans Pub 79 
145Book Belief in science and in Christian life : : the relevance of Michael Polanyi's thought for Christian faith and life / BL240.2/B43 editor Thomas F. Torrance Handsel Press, 69 
146Book 當科學遇到宗教 BL240.2/B375 伊安•巴伯(Ian G. Barbour)著;章明儀譯 北京,三聯書店 93 
147Book 靈性復興 : 科學與宗教的整合道路 BL240.2/W526 肯恩•威爾伯(Ken Wilber)著,龔卓軍譯 張老師文化 89 
148Book Philosophy of science : the natural sciences in Christian perspective BL240.2/R34  InterVarsity Press 79 
149Book Reality and scientific theology BL240.2/T667 Thomas F. Torrance Scottish Academic Press, 74 
150Book Paths from science towards God : the end of all our exploring BL240.2/P437  Oneworld 79 

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