
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS1901*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
141Book New Testament introduction BS2330.2/G87 by Donald Guthrie The Tyndale Press 79 
142Book Anatomy of the New Testament; : a guide to its structure and meaning BS2330.2/S65 [by] Robert A. Spivey [and] D. Moody Smith, Jr Macmillan 63 
143Book New Testament foundations : a guide for Christian students BS2330.2/M28 by Ralph P. Martin Eerdmans 79 
144Book New Testament books for pastor and teacher BS2330.2/M3 Ralph P. Martin Westminster Press, 73 
145Book 新約聖經總論 BS2330.2/L712 李道生編著 大光傳播有限公司 90 
146Book 新約概論 BS2330.2/Y94 約翰˙德雷恩著/ 北京大學出版社 94 
147Book 新約事蹟精覽 : 傳信息的人 BS2330.2/S623 斯托得(John R. W. Stott)著/衛國強譯 莫茲亞(Stephen Motyer)修訂 浸信會 93 
148Book A Christian's guide to the New Testament BS2330.2/Al319 Alan Cole Hodder and Stoughton 54 
149Book The New Testament : an introduction to its literature and history BS2330.2/M149 Machen, J. Gresham Banner of Truth Trust 65 
150Book New Testament introduction BS2330.2/G85 Donald Guthrie著 IVP 59 

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