
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BL*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
151Book Physics, philosophy, and theology : a common quest for understanding / BL240.2/P49 edited by Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger, and George V. Coyne Vatican Observatory ; 77 
152Book Science and theology : an introduction / BL240.2/P769 John Polkinghorne SPCK ; 87 
153Book Science and theology in Einstein's perspective / BL240.2/P32 Iain Paul Scottish Academic Press, 75 
154Book Science and evidence for design in the universe : papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Wethersfield Insti BL240.2/B423 [Michael J. Behe, William A. Dembski, Stephen C. Meyer] Ignatius Press, 89 
155Book 基督教科學觀 : 從新加爾文主義看科學【增訂版】 BL240.2/C683 周功和著 中華福音神學院 2019 
156Book 科學與信仰 BL240.2/C689 鍾峻父著 中國基督徒文字佈道會 1979 
157Book 科學與宗教引論 BL240.3/M218 麥格夫(Alister E. McGrath.)著/王毅譯 譯 基道 95 
158Book Science & Faith : Friends or foes? BL240.3/C999 C.John Collins Crossway books 92 
159Book Redeeming science : : a God-centered approach / BL240.3/ Vern S. Poythress Crossway Books,  
160Book Redeeming science : : a God-centered approach / BL240.3/P892 Vern S. Poythress Crossway Books,  

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