
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BR*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1671Book Van til: the theologian BR83/J65 John Frame著 Pilgrin publiching company 65 
1672Other The Works of Cornelius Van Til 1895-1987 : Logos Library System 【其他】BR83/  Logos Library System,  
1673Book Waterbuffalo theology BR85/K88 Kosuke Koyama Orbis Books, 63 
1674Book 信仰的探討 BR85/M473 馬有藻著 中國信徒佈道會印行 65 
1675Book Christian discourses : and the liles of the field and the birds of the air; and three discourses on Fridays BR85 /K47 translated with an introduction by Walter Lowrie Princeton University Press 60 
1676Book Warnings to the Churches BR85 /R994 Ryle, J. C Banner of Truth Trust 56 
1677Book Spurgeon's gold BR85/Ed24 Edmond Hez Sw Soli deo gloria publications 85 
1678Book The promise of the spirit BR85/C475 Charles G. Finney Minneapolis, Minn. : Bethany Fellowship 69 
1679Book Sermons in candles BR85/S65 C.H Spurgeon   
1680Book Mount Fuji and Mount Sinai : : a critique of idols / BR85/K67 Kosuke Koyama Orbis Books, 74 

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