
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BL*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
11Book Buddhisn BL1420/H8 Christmas Humphreys Penguin books 79 
12Book The history of Buddhist thought BL1420/T5 by Edward J. Thomas Barnes & Noble 79 
13Book TRUTH AND TRADITION IN CHINESE BUDDHISM BL1430/R42 Karl Ludvig Reichelt The Commercial Press,LTD. 79 
14Book Anthology of Zen BL1442.Z4/B7 Edited by William Briggs,Introduction by William Barrett Grove Press 79 
15Book Prophets and prophecy in the ancient near East BL1605.P7/N58 Martti Nissinen   
16Book The gods of the nations : : studies in ancient Near Eastern national theology / BL1640/ Daniel I. Block ; foreword by Alan R. Millard Baker Academic ;  
17Book 金蘋果50 : 教導者心智典 BL1775/C348 維琪•卡露娜(Vicki Caruana)著,黃耀禮譯 基督中國主日 94 
18Book Dialogues concerning natural religion and the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul and Of suicide / BL180/H78 David Hume ; edited, with an introd., by Richard H. Popkin Hackett Pub. Co., 69 
19Book Dialogues concerning natural religion BL180/H8 edited with an introd. by Henry D. Aiken Hafner Pub. Co 79 
20Book 中國宗族社會 BL1800/F463 馮爾康等著 浙江人民出版社 1994 

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