
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS1901*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
2141Book The memory keeper's daughter BS3555/K46 Kim Edwards Penguin, 2006 
2142Book Armageddon : : the cosmic battle of the ages / BS3562/A76 Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins Tyndale House Publishers, 92 
2143Book Dante's Divine comedy / BS3562.I5/L36 retold, with notes, by Kathryn Lindskoog Mercer University Press,  
2144Book 平安•恩典•盼望 BS4211/S33 許震毅著 雅歌出版社 93 
2145Book The Complete concordance to the Bible, New King James Version BS4253/C65  T. Nelson Publishers, 1983 
2146Book 雁過紅河 : 記神陶造的歲月 BS4254.C5/C753 60-70年代加拿大緬尼吐巴省[溫尼辟中國基督徒團契]團友 基道總代理 103 
2147Book The Shadow of the cross : studies in self-denial/ BS4647/C52 Walter J.Chantry The Banner of Truth Trust, 1981 
2148Book Psalms 1-50 BS4912./W67 Peter C. Craigie Word Books, 72 
2149Book 熱血滔滔 : 奧斯華•史密斯傳 BS6225.S64/N43 倪蘿絲(Neely, Lois) 著;任炎林譯 福音團契 72 
2150Book The Book of Revelation : A Guide for Understanding BS2825.5/B63 Vern S. Poythress Westminster Campus Bookstore 1990 

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