
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS1901*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
2151Book The interlinear literal translation of the Greek New Testament with the authorized version and lexicon/ O BS1965.2/I57 George Ricker Berry Zondervan Publishing House, 79 
2152Book Analytical concordance of the Greek New Testament O BS2302/C535 edited by Philip S. Clapp, Barbara Friberg, and Timothy Friberg Baker Book House, 80 
2153Book Greek-English concordance to the New Testament : a tabular and statistical Greek-English concordance based on the King O BS2302/S54 Bruce M. Metzger Herald Press 79 
2154Book Dust to glory (New Testament) : an overview of the Bible with R.C. Sproul O BS2330/B261 edited by Robert Barnes Ligonier Ministries 79 
2155Book The archeology of the New Testament : : the life of Jesus and the beginning of the early church O BS2375/F5 Jack Finegan Princeton University Press, 81 
2156Book 新約希臘文常用字分析 REF BS2302/W949 吳文益編著 王正中主編 浸宣 76 
2157Book 種籽新約神學詞典(卷一) REF BS2312/Y22 楊牧谷編譯 種籽出版社印行 72 
2158Book 馬太福音、馬可福音 REF BS2333.2 /R649 Archibald T. Robertson著/詹正義編譯/張麟至、黃維菱翻譯 詹正義編譯 美國活泉 87 
2159Book 帖撒羅尼迦前後書、提摩太前後書、提多書、腓利門書 REF BS2333.2 /R649 Archibald T. Robertson著/潘秋松、陳一萍編譯 潘秋松、陳一萍編譯 美國活泉 88 
2160Book 希伯來書、雅各書、彼得前後書、約翰一、二、三書、猶大書 REF BS2333.2 /R649 Archibald T. Robertson著/詹正義編譯 詹正義編譯 美國活泉 86 

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