
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS1901*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
21Book The Greek New Testament : edited by Kurt Aland ... [et al.] in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament Textua BS1965/K96 Kurt Aland New York :United Bible Societies 83 
22Book Living faith Bible BS1965 /  Tyndale House Publishers, 89 
23Book The Interlinear literal translation of the greek new testament with the authorized version : conveniently presented in BS1965/   65 
24Book The Greek New Testament / edited by Kurt Aland ... [et al.] in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament Textua BS1965/U549 United Bible Societies United Bible Societies 64 
25Book 新約希臘文讀本 BS1965/J232 傅約翰(Johan Ferreira)編著, 美國麥種傳道會 103 
26Book Novum Testamentum Graece BS1965/N48 begrundet von Eberhard und Erwin Nestle ; herausgegeben von Barbara und Kurt Aland ... [et al] Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft ; 2012 
27Book The New Testament : A Translation in the Language of the People BS1965.2/W67 by Charles B. Williams Moody Press 79 
28Book A grammatical analysis of the Greek New Testament BS1965.2/Z58 Max Zerwick, Mary Grosvenor ; [translated, revised, and adapted by Mary Grosvenor in collaboratio Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 77 
29Book The new linguistic and exegetical key to the Greek New Testament BS1965.2/R724 Cleon L. Rogers, Jr. & Cleon L. Rogers III Zondervan Pub.House, 87 
30Book The NKJV Greek English interlinear New Testament : : features word studies & New King James parallel text / BS1965.5/ translators, Arthur L. Farstad ... [et al.] T. Nelson Publishers, 1994 

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