
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 M*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
21Book Baptist Hymnal M2122.B18 / Southern Baptist Convention CONVENTION PRESS 64 
22Book Psalter hymnal. Doctrinal standards and liturgy M2124/C55 Christian Reformed Church. Liturgy and ritual. Publication Committee of the Christian Reformed Church 79 
23Book Lutheran hymnal M2126/L965 authorized by the synods constituting the Evangelical Lutheran synodical conference of North Ameri Concordia publishing house 79 
24Book The Methodist hymnal : official hymnal of the Methodist Church M2127/M591 Methodist Pub Methodist Pub. House 79 
25Book The Book of Psalms for singing M2130/B66 著 Board of Education and Publication, Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America 79 
26Book The Book of Psalms for singing M2130 /  Board of Education and Publication, Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America 62 
27Book 耶和華的歌 M2130/S828 Stephen Chen 榮冠與盟約出版社 2012 
28Book ?真偉大 M2132/H6 基督教會編輯委員會 台灣 : 基督教會編輯委員會 1981 
29Book 迦南詩選 : 簡體版 M2143 /  中福出版有限公司 87 
30Book 萬民頌揚 M2143 /  萬民頌揚聖詩編輯出版委員會印行 54 

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