
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 C*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
361Book 成功十傑 CT203.C5/C43 沈萌華編著 宇宙光 74 
362Book 提心燈. 走遠路 : 陳五福的心靈世界 CT21/C47 陳五福著 雅歌 1996 
363Book 大人物小故事 D10/C471 周增祥輯 宇宙光 1998 
364Book A history of Europe D102/F55 by H.A.L. Fisher Fontana/Collins 79 
365Book Readings in medieval historiography D116/V78  HoHughton Mifflin 79 
366Book The shorter Cambridge medieval history D117/P75 Previte?-Orton, C. W. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press 1990 
367Book The Past before us : : contemporary historical writing in the United States D13/P36 edited for the American Historical Association by Michael Kammen Cornell University Press, 69 
368Book A History Of Historical Writing D13/B32  Dover Publications  
369Book The shape of the past : : a Christian response to secular philosophies of history / D13/M65 John Warwick Montgomery Bethany Fellowship, 64 
370Book The idea of history D13/C6 R.G. Collingwood ; edited with an introduction by Jan van der Dussen Clarendon Press ; 82 

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