
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 C*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
381Book 耶路撒冷史 D161/A431 阿爾伯特(Albert,of Aachen,active 11th century-12th century)著 大象出版社 2014 
382Book The New Cambridge modern history D208/C17  Cambridge [Eng.] University Press 1990 
383Book World history : a Christian interpretation D21/H97 by Albert Hyma Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing company 79 
384Book The Columbia history of the world D21/G28 Editors: John A. Garraty [and] Peter Gay Harper & Row 79 
385Book 人類的故事 D21/W312 房龍.亨德里克(Van Loon, Hendrik Willem)著,劉海譯 好讀出版 2004 
386Book The age of the baroque, 1610-1660 D246/F74 Friedrich, Carl J. Happer Torchbooks 51 
387Book 古代四大帝國 D57/L37 威廉•拉索等著/林秀娟 蔡蕙慧譯 國際華人聖經協會 93 
388Book Herodotus : the Histories / D58/H559 translated by Aubrey de S矇lincourt ; revised, with an introduction and notes by A.R. Burn  61 
389Book Ancient history : from prehistoric times to the death of Justinian D59/R64 By Charles Alexander Robinson, Jr Macmillan 79 
390Book Christianity and War : religious ideas and political consequences D639.R4/W374 by Leonard J. Weber Bruce 79 

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