
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BR*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
31Book Philosophy and the Christian Faith BR100/B877 by Colin Brown IVP 79 
32Book Kierkegaard's Concluding unscientific postscript BR100/K47 translated from the Danish by David F. Swenson, completed after his death and provided with introd Princeton, Princeton university press, for American Scandinavian foundation 79 
33Book 我是什麼? BR100/S557 施匹爾(Spear, Gene W.)著/趙中輝譯 趙中輝譯 基督教改革宗翻譯社出版部 69 
34Book 基督教信仰的事實與奧義 BR100/Z63 L.W.Peterson 活水社 79 
35Book The divine Milieu BR100/T373 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Harper&Row 79 
36Book The relation of the Bible to learning BR100/R8 H. Evan Runner Paideia Press, 71 
37Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
38Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
39Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
40Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 

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