
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS1901*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
31Book The New Testament in four versions: King James, Revised standard, Phillips modern English, New English Bible. BS2025 /  Christianity today, 79 
32Book The precise parallel New Testament : Greek text, King James version, Rheims New Testament, Amplified Bible, New Intern BS2025/K64 John R. Kohlenberger III, general editor New York : Oxford University Press 79 
33Book The New Testament from 26 translations BS2025/G326 General editor: Curtis Vaughan. Zondervan Pub. House 1990 
34Book 讓世界不一樣-成為差傳教會 BS2063/ 韋艾倫著 海外基督使團 103 
35Book Believing in the future : : toward a missiology of Westernculture / BS2063/B648 David J. Bosch Trinity Press International ; 1995 
36Book 啟示、創造與人觀 : 基督教要義導覽 BS2063/C754 陳若愚著 天恩出版社 2024 
37Book 從伊甸樂園到榮耀天堂 BS2063/W367 威廉森(James R. Williamson)著,張百合譯 改革宗經典出版社 2012 
38Book The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : translated out of the original Greek and with the former tran BS2085/B582 Bible. N. T. English. World Bible Publishers 79 
39Book The complete word study New Testament : King James Version / BS2085/C43 compiled and edited by Spiros Zodhiates AMG Publishers, 80 
40Book New American Standard Bible:New Testament BS2092.3 /T374  The World Publishing Company 79 

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