
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
4281Book 聖經天使學 : 他們是誰, 以及他們如何幫助人 BS680/J47 大衛.耶利米(David Jeremiah)作 ; 劉卉立譯 啟示出版 2019 
4282Book Resurrection hope and the death of death BS680/C43  Crossway 1990 
4283Book The bible vs. biblical womanhood : how God's word consistently affirms gender equality BS680/P39  Zondervan 1990 
4284Book Seven words to change your family-- while there's still time BS680/M23 James MacDonald Moody Press, 2002 
4285Book The same sex controversy : defending and clarifying the Bible's message about homosexuality / BS680/W47 James R. White & Jeffrey D. Niell Bethany House, 2002 
4286Book The greener grass conspiracy : finding contentment on your side of the fence / BS680/A48 Stephen Altrogge Crossway, 2011 
4287Book Putting asunder : divorce and remarriage in biblical and pastoral perspective BS680/C58  Bryntirion Press 1990 
4288Book 求告主名 : 合乎聖經的禱神學 BS680/P64 蓋瑞.米勒(J. Gary Millar)著,路得英譯,維尼審校 賢理.璀雅 2020 
4289Book 天路歷程 : 曠野中的四十二站 BS680/C877 陳希曾著 活道 2023 
4290Book Men and women in the church : a short, biblical, practical introduction / BS680/S53 Kevin DeYoung Crossway 2021 

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