
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
4311Book 傷癒 : 受傷的情緒得醫治 BS680.E4/S43 大衛.席蒙德(David A. Seamands)著/王環苓譯 王環苓譯 中國學園 90 
4312Book The Bible and the future BS680.E8/H693 Hoekema, Anthony A Eerdmans 68 
4313Book What the bible says about the end times BS680.E8/R642  Boca Raton, FL : American Media Mini Mags 79 
4314Book The bible & future events : An introductory survey of last-day events BS680.E8/W66  Grand Rapids, Zondervan Pub. House 79 
4315Book 聖經與末世事件 BS680.E8/W66 胡里昂(Leon J. Wood)著 褚永華譯 天道書樓 84 
4316Book Things to come : a study in biblical eschatology / BS680.E8/P46 by J. Dwight Pentecost ; introduction by John F. Walvoord Academie Books, 1964 
4317Book Old Testament ethics for the people of God / BS680.E84/W75 Christopher J.H. Wright Inter-Varsity Press, 2004 
4318Book The doctrine of the Christian life BS680.E84/F73 John M. Frame P & R Pub., 97 
4319Book 從聖經傳講倫理學 BS680.E84/K35 華德.凱瑟(Walter C. Kaiser Jr.)著;金繼宇譯 美國麥種 2015 
4320Book Bible and ethics in the christian life BS680.E84/B57  Minneapolis : Augsburg Pub. House 79 

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