
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
4321Book Biblical ethics : the changing continuity of christian ethics BS680.E84/W45  The Paternoster Press 79 
4322Book A royal priesthood? : : the use of the Bible ethically and politically : a dialogue with Oliver O'Donovan / BS680.E84.R69/ edited by Craig Bartholomew ... [et al.] Paternoster Press ; 91 
4323Book Israel in Egypt : the evidence for the authenticity of the Exodus tradition / BS680.E9/H637 James K. Hoffmeier Oxford University Press, 88 
4324Book Family night tool chest. : creating lasting impressions for the next generation / BS680.F3 / Jim Weidmann and Kurt Bruner ; with Mike and Amy Nappa ChariotVictor Pub., 86 
4325Book 從聖經看如何處理憂慮和恐懼 BS680.F4/K95 鄺炳釗著 天道書樓 93 
4326Book 聖經中的友情 BS680.F74/S661 曾野綾子著 ; 呂美女譯 天下雜誌股份有限公司 98 
4327Book How did evil come into the world? BS680.G6/E34 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Westminster Seminary Press, ; Phillipsburg, New Jersey : P&R Publishi Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Westminster Seminary Press, ; Phillipsburg, New Jersey : P&R Publishi 79 
4328Book 與恩典同行 BS680.G7/C48 柴培爾(Bryan Chapell)著,楊蓓蓓譯 恩道出版社 2020 
4329Book 從聖經看如何處理傷害和迫害 BS680.H4/K95 鄺炳釗著 天道書樓 90 
4330Book The Bible and homosexual practice : texts and hermeneutics / BS680.H67/G34 Robert A.J. Gagnon Abingdon Press, 90 

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