
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BR*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
41Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
42Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
43Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
44Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
45Ser Faith and philosophy : journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 【電子書】BR100/F32 The Society The Society 72 
46Book Christian theism and the problems of philosophy BR100/C54 edited by Michael D. Beaty University of Notre Dame Press, 79 
47Book He is there and He is not silent BR100/S34 Francis A. Schaeffer Tyndale House Publishers 79 
48Book Faith & reason in the nineteenth century BR100/B6483 Steve Wilkens & Alan G. Padgett InterVarsity Press, 89 
49Book 西洋現代哲學家的上帝信仰 : 上 BR100/Z63 趙君影 中華歸主協會 72 
50Book 俗世尋真 : 基督教與現代哲學 BR100/Y22 楊慶球著 宣道出版社, 91 

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目錄查詢 分類查詢 個人資料 圖書薦購 新書查詢 閉館日 排行榜 改革宗神學院 改革宗出版社 論文 登出

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