
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BS*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
41Book The Old Testament : notes BS1140.2 /P317 by Charles H. Patterson 書林書店 79 
42Book 平信徒聖經概論: 舊約 BS1140.2/L784 劉煥俊著 著者 73 
43Book survey of the Old Testament BS1140.2/ Paul N.Benware Moody Press 63 
44Book The Old Testament : : its background, growth, and content BS1140.2/C886 Peter C. Craigie Abingdon Press, 75 
45Book An introduction to the Old Testament. BS1140.2/Y66 by Edward Joseph Young Eerdmans 79 
46Book Regent College Audio Course Program : Student Handbook BS1140.2/R333 Regent College Regent College 79 
47Book Introduction to the Old Testament : from its origins to the closing of the Alexandrian canon BS1140.2/S6713 J. Alberto Soggin Westminster Press, 79 
48Book Old Testament survey : : the message, form, and background of the Old Testament BS1140.2/L25 William Sanford LaSor, David Allan Hubbard, Frederick Wm. Bush Eerdmans, 71 
49Book Introduction to the Old Testament : with a comprehensive review of Old Testament studies and a special supplement on t BS1140.2/H35 by R. K. Harrison Eerdmans 79 
50Book 平信徒聖經概論: 舊約 BS1140.2/L784 劉煥俊著 著者 73 

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