
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BT*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
41Book The existence of God BT102/S95 Richard Swinburne Clarendon Press ; 80 
42Book 上帝是否存在 BT102/S96 理查德•斯溫伯恩( Richard Swinburne)著/胡自信譯 北京大學出版社 2005 
43Book Van Til & the use of evidence BT102/N68 Thom Notaro Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 69 
44Book 認識信仰-聖父的屬性 BT102/K95 鄺炳釗編著 明道社 94 
45Book Knowing God BT102/P26 J.I. Packer InterVarsity Press, 1993 
46Book God and other minds : : a study of the rational justification of belief in God BT102/P55 by Alvin Plantinga Cornell Univ. Press, 79 
47Book Philosophy of religion BT102/G384 Norman L. Geisler Zondervan Pub. House 79 
48Book Perceiving God : : the epistemology of religious experience BT102/A46 William P. Alston Cornell University Press, 80 
49Book Knowing God : real purpose of life Bible Study BT102/Z63 著 Home Bible study guide 79 
50Book 神心意內在的奧秘 BT102/S546 沈保羅著 宣道出版社 96 

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