
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 H*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
5111Book Hegel's philosophy of right / K230.43/G781 translated with notes by T. M. Knox Oxford at the Clarendon Press,  
5112Book The law / K357/ by Frederic Bastiat ; translated from the French by Dean Russell ; introduction by Walter E. Willi Foundation for Economic Education,  
5113Book 法律與社會 K371/F663 Lawrence M. Friedman著/鄭哲民校訂,吳錫堂、楊滿郁合譯 吳錫堂,楊滿郁譯 巨流 80 
5114Book 著作權法 : 著作權法施行細則 K371/ 內政部 內政部 82 
5115Book 認識著作權 K371/ 內政部 內政部 82 
5116Book On Law, Morality, and Politics K447/S152 Saint Thomas Aquinas Haclett publishing company 77 
5117Book Written on the heart : The case for natural law K460/J99 J.Budziszewski著 IVP 1997 
5118Book A preserving grace : Protestants, Catholics, and natural law / K460/P74 edited by Michael Cromartie Ethics and Public Policy Center ;  
5119Book Abortion and the Law in America : Roe v. Wade to the Present / KF3771/Z54 Mary Ziegler Cambridge University Press 2020 
5120Book White House ethics : : the history of the politics of conflict of interest regulation / KF4568/R63 Robert N. Roberts Greenwood Press, 77 

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