
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 B*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
741Book New dictionary of Christian ethics & pastoral theology / BJ1199/N495 editors, David J. Atkinson, David H. Field ; consulting editors, Arthur F. Holmes, Oliver O'Donova InterVarsity Press, 84 
742Book Baker's dictionary of Christian ethics. BJ1199/B34 Carl F. H. Henry, editor Baker Book House 67 
743Book History of Christian ethics BJ1201/F67  Minneapolis : Augsburg Pub. House, c1979- 79 
744Book The moral world of the first Christians BJ1212/W369 Wayne A.Meeks The Westminster press 75 
745Book Barth's moral theology : : human action in Barth's thought / BJ1231/W42 John Webster T & T Clark, 87 
746Book Building a Godly home BJ1241/W717 edited and modernized by Scott Brown and Joel R. Beeke. v. 1. A holy vision for family life -- v. Reformation Heritage Books 1990 
747Book 基督徒的生命倫理觀 BJ1249 /S955 蘇美靈著 基督教天人出版社  
748Book Christian moral principles BJ1249/G74 by Germain Grisez, with the help of Joseph M. Boyle, Jr. ... [et al.] Franciscan Herald Press,  
749Book 當代神學對話 BJ1251/E35 愛德華斯, 斯托得合著/曾宗國譯 曾宗國譯 校園書房 84 
750Book 基督教倫理學 BJ1251/G144 賈詩勒著/李永明譯 李永明譯 天道 1996 

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