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編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
741Book A basic bibliographic guide for New Testament exegesis Z7772.L1/S35 by David M. Scholer Eerdmans  
742Book 中文屬靈書籍分類簡介 Z7776.5/T877 蔡春曦, 蔡黃玉珍編著 福音證主協會 81 
743Book 中文屬靈書籍分類簡介 Z7776.5.T877 /C133 蔡春曦編著 證主 81 
744Book The marketplace annotated bibliography : : a Christian guide to books on work, business & vocation / BV4593/H35 Pete Hammond, R. Paul Stevens & Todd Svanoe InterVarsity Press,  
745Book A bibliography of the writings of the professors of Calvin Theological Seminary Z8141.5 /D328 compiled and edited by Peter Deklerk  79 
746Book Jesus Z8455/E94 Craig A. Evans Baker Book House, 81 
747Book The Westminster theological journal ZBR118/  Westminster Theological Seminary 27 
748Book The Westminster theological journal ZBR118/ WESTMINSTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Westminster Theological Seminary, 79 
749Book The Westminster theological journal ZBR118/ WESTMINSTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Westminster Theological Seminary, 81 

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